CS403 Assignment 2 solution 2024 Download with Vu Sawaira Shine

CS403 Assignment 2 solution 2024 Download with Vu Sawaira Shine


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Assignment No. 02
SEMESTER Spring 24

CS403- Database Management System


Total Marks: 20


Due Date: 24-June-2024



Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting the assignment solution:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:

o        The assignment is submitted after the due date.

o        The submitted assignment solution does NOT open or the file is corrupt.

o        The assignment is copied (from other students or ditto copy from handouts or the internet).

o        Please ensure that your assignment submission is in .doc or .docx format. Other formats such as scanned images, PDFs, .ZIP, .RAR, .bmp, etc., will not be accepted.


The objective of this assignment is:

l  To be able to understand the concept of Normalization.

l   To be able to understand and write SQL queries / commands.



 Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 24-June-2024.




An E-Gadget Store provides electronic gadgets to customers across the country. The system displays available gadget types such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and accessories, along with their images, names, prices, number of units in stock, and related descriptions.

Anyone can view the available gadgets, but only registered customers and wholesalers can interact with the website. Registered users can purchase gadgets listed on the site, and they can also place customized orders for gadgets with specific configurations, colors, features, accessories, and quantities. Customers can specify a required completion date for the customized orders. They can also view and download their invoice.

The store manager can view order details and process the orders, as well as generate invoices. The manager is responsible for keeping track of available stock.

The manager can allocate customized orders to technicians and view allocated order details. Technicians can view their allocated order details and update the order status as it progresses through the customization process.

Now consider the following table from the scenario and convert it in 1st Normal Form.


Question # 1                                                                                                     Marks   5


The following relation TECHNICIAN is not in 1st Normal Form, you need to convert it into 1st Normal form.



























Question # 2                                                                                                    Marks 15


You are required to write the SQL commands for each of the following statements in the given table. Write SQL Commands in the 2nd Column of the following table.                                                              



SQL Command

1.        Create a table named Technician. You also have to define a primary key and any foreign key relationships if applicable.


2.        Insert a new record into the "Customers" table with the following details: CustomerID = "C001", Name = "John Doe", Email = "john.doe@example.com", Phone = "123-456-7890", and Address = "123 Elm Street, Springfield".


3.        Delete all records from the Orders table where the Order Date is older than January 1, 2020.


4.        Update the "Email" of a customer in the "Customers" table with "CustomerID" = 'C002' to 'new.email@example.com'.


5.        Retrieve the "Name" and "Price" of all gadgets in the "Gadgets" table where the "Price" is greater than 5000.







For any query about the assignment, contact at CS403@vu.edu.pk


Lectures Covered:  This assignment covers Lectures # 18 to 30.

Deadline:  Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before the due date 24-June-2024.




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