CS304 Assignment 2 Solution 2024 Download with Vu Sawaira Shine

CS304 Assignment 2 Solution 2024 Download with Vu Sawaira Shine


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Assignment No. 02
Semester: Spring 2024

CS304- Object Oriented Programming



Total Marks: 20


Due Date: 24 June, 24


To give you an idea of the practical implementation of inheritance and polymorphism in C++.



Uploading instructions:


  • Your assignment should be in.CPP format (Any other formats like scan images, PDF, zip, doc, rar and bmp etc. will not be accepted).
  • Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bc000000000.CPP).
  • No assignment will be accepted through email.


Rules for Marking:


It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:


·         The assignment is submitted after the due date.

·         The submitted assignment does not open, orexecute or the file is corrupted.

·         Your assignment is copied from the internet, handouts, or any other student.

      (Strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case).


Lectures Covered:


This assignment covers Lectures # 22-30.




Note: Submit your solutions in .CPP file.



Assignment No. 2



In Pakistan, taxation system is administered by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).Suppose FBR calculates tax payable amount for two types of tax payers (users): Salaried Persons, and Business Personsaccording to information given below.

For Salaried Individuals:

Tax Payable = (Annual Income * Tax Rate)

Tax rate for salaried individuals is defined as follows:


Income Range (PKR)

Tax Rate (%)

Up to 600,000


600,001 - 1,200,000


1,200,001 - 2,400,000


2,400,001 - 4,800,000


4,800,001 - 9,600,000


Above 9,600,000


For Businesspersons:

Tax Payable = (Annual Income - Allowable Expenses) * Tax Rate

However, for businessman, flat tax rate of 29% is applied to annual business income. In given scenario, minimum Gross Business Income on which tax is applicable is 1000,000. Percentage of Allowable Expenses is 60% of Annual Business Income.


Tasks Description:


·         Write a program in C++ to implement above scenario using the concept of inheritance and polymorphism.

Hint: Both Salaried and Business Persons are types of Tax Payer User.

·         In main() function,create dynamic array of two users to store objects of salaried person and business person classes. Use concept of polymorphism to calculate tax payable amount of both salaried and business persons.

Hint:For each income, you have to call caluclatetax() function based on types of users.



Sample Output 1:


Sample Output 2:



Guidelines for Solution:

Save the program using your personal VUID. Your VUID will therefore appear at the top of the screen.


Best of luck!

NOTE: Do not put any query on MDB about this assignment, if you have any query then email at cs304@vu.edu.pk.  Furthermore, if any student is found cheating by any other student or from online forums then he/she will be awarded ZERO right away and strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student.


Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before 24 June 2024.



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