CS301 Assignment 2 Solution 2024 Download with VU Sawaira Shine

CS301 Assignment 2 Solution 2024 Download with VU Sawaira Shine


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Assignment No. 02
SEMESTER Spring 2024
CS301- Data Structures


Total Marks: 20

Lectures Covered:25-26  

Due Date: 24th June, 2024


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Ø  The assignment is submitted after due date.

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Ø  The assignment is copied (from other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).

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Ø  Do not wait for grace day. Grace Day is given only if there is problem with LMS on due date. Submit your solution within due date.

Ø  Note that no assignment will be accepted through email if there is any problem in LMS on grace day.



The objective of this assignment is


ü  To get hands on practice of constructing frequency table and Huffman encoding tree.


For any query about the assignment, contact at cs301@vu.edu.pk


Question. No. 1:

Marks: 20 


Consider the following string saved into a string type variable. We want to send it over the network to another computer. Use the given string and answer (solve) the questions given below.


String: “Data Structures is one of the core courses of BS(CS) program.


Note: Double quotes are not the part of string.


  1. Build frequency table and Huffman encoding tree. [14 Marks]










Use the following sample frequency table:


















































Number of Bits used without any encoding
























Huffman code of each character
























Number of Bits used with Huffman encoding



























  1. Calculate how many bits will be used for the above string: [6 Marks]

ü  Without using any encoding technique

ü  With Huffman encoding technique

ü  What percentage of bits is saved by Huffman encoding scheme?

Wish you Best of Luck!


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