CS615 Assignment 2 Solution 2024 Download with VU SAWAIRA SHINE BLLogger .com

CS615 Assignment 2 Solution 2024 Download with VU SAWAIRA SHINE BLLogger .com


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Assignment No. 01
Spring 2024

CS615 Software Project Management


Total Marks: 20


Due Date: Monday, June 24, 2024


Syllabus of Assignment:

Assignment no. 2 covers 32 Lectures.



Objectives of Assignment:


  • You will learn about software Life Cycle model implementation.
  • You will learn about how to consider different scenarios when selecting a software development model.



Uploading instructions:


  • You will submit assignment on LMS.
  • No assignment will be accepted through email.



Rules for Marking:


It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:


·         The assignment is submitted after due date.

·         Your assignment is copied from internet, handouts or from any other student

      (Strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case).






Problem Statement:

Imagine you are a software development consultant, and you've been approached by a startup company, "TechSavvy Solutions," to assist them in selecting the most suitable software process model for their upcoming project. The project involves developing a new e-commerce platform for selling handmade artisanal goods.

TechSavvy Solutions is a small startup with ambitious business goals and a tight budget. The project size is estimated to be moderate, with a timeline of about six months. The client's requirements include a user-friendly interface, secure payment gateway integration, and a scalable architecture to accommodate future expansions. They have a limited budget but are willing to invest in the project to ensure its success. However, they are also concerned about potential risks such as technical complexity and changing market demands.

Your task is to analyze the given scenario and recommend the most appropriate software process model based on the following criteria:

  1. Business goals of the organization:
    • Evaluate how well each process model aligns with TechSavvy Solutions' business goals of delivering a high-quality e-commerce platform within the given time and budget constraints.
  2. Expected size of the project:
    • Consider the scalability and adaptability of each process model to handle a project of moderate size, ensuring efficient development and timely delivery.
  3. Client and project requirements:
    • Assess how each process model accommodates the specific requirements of the e-commerce platform, including user interface design, security features, and scalability.
  4. Availability of funds and development staff:
    • Determine the feasibility of each process model in terms of budget requirements and availability of skilled development staff.
  5. Risks perceived in the project:
    • Evaluate how each process model addresses potential risks associated with the project, such as technical complexity, market changes, and client's evolving needs.

Based on your analysis, recommend the most suitable software process model for TechSavvy Solutions' e-commerce project, providing a rationale for your choice and explaining how it addresses each of the specified criteria. You should write 4-5 lines separately for each of the above point.






Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before Monday, June 24, 2024


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